E.g., 04/19/2024
E.g., 04/19/2024

State Demographics Data - FL

United States
Demographics & Social

Note: The term "foreign born" refers to people residing in the United States at the time of the population survey who were not U.S. citizens at birth. The foreign-born population includes naturalized U.S. citizens, lawful permanent immigrants (or green-card holders), refugees and asylees, certain legal nonimmigrants (including those on student, work, or some other temporary visas), and persons residing in the country without authorization.

Foreign Born
Number 4,817,273
% Foreign Born 21.7%
Population Change over Time  
% change: 2000-2022 80.4%
% change: 1990-2000 60.6%
Race (%)  
One race 60.3%
Black or African American
American Indian and Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
Other race
Two or more races 39.7%
Latino Origin (of any race)  
Number 2,783,024
% Latino 57.8%
Age Groups (%)  
Under 5 0.7%
5-17 5.4%
18-64 71.8%
65 and older 22.1%
Median Age

Note: 1) Data for Alaska, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming are from the Census Bureau’s pooled 2018-2022 American Community Survey (ACS). Data for the United States overall and for the remaining states are from the 2022 ACS. 2) The letter N indicates that a number could not be provided by the Census Bureau because the number of sample cases was too small for this state.

Gender (% female) 52.2%
Marital Status (15 and older) (%)  
Never married 23.0%
Married 55.6%
Separated, divorced, or widowed 21.4%

Note: The term "U.S. born" refers to people residing in the United States who were U.S. citizens in one of three categories: people born in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia; people born in U.S. Insular Areas such as Puerto Rico or Guam; or people who were born abroad to at least one U.S. citizen parent.

U.S. Born
Number 17,427,550
% Foreign Born  
Population Change over Time  
% change: 2000-2011 30.9%
% change: 1990-2000 18.1%
Race (%)  
One race 86.6%
White 65.3%
Black or African American 15.0%
American Indian and Alaska Native 0.3%
Asian 1.1%
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander 0.1%
Other race 4.7%
Two or more races 13.4%
Latino Origin (of any race)  
Number 3,242,015
% Latino 18.6%
Age Groups (%)  
Under 5 6.1%
5-17 16.8%
18-64 55.6%
65 and older 21.4%
Median Age 39.8
Gender (% female) 50.3%
Marital Status (15 and older) (%)  
Never married 34.4%
Married 45.5%
Separated, divorced, or widowed 20.1%

Note: The term "foreign born" refers to people residing in the United States at the time of the population survey who were not U.S. citizens at birth. The foreign-born population includes naturalized U.S. citizens, lawful permanent immigrants (or green-card holders), refugees and asylees, certain legal nonimmigrants (including those on student, work, or some other temporary visas), and persons residing in the country without authorization.

Foreign Born
Number 46,182,177
% Foreign Born 13.9%
Population Change over Time  
% change: 2000-2018 48.5%
% change: 1990-2000 57.4%
Race (%)  
One race 78.7%
Black or African American
American Indian and Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
Other race
Two or more races 21.3%
Latino Origin (of any race)  
Number 20,378,549
% Latino 44.1%
Age Groups (%)  
Under 5 0.6%
5-17 5.1%
18-64 76.6%
65 and older 17.7%
Median Age

Note: 1) Data for Alaska, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming are from the Census Bureau’s pooled 2018-2022 American Community Survey (ACS). Data for the United States overall and for the remaining states are from the 2022 ACS. 2) The letter N indicates that a number could not be provided by the Census Bureau because the number of sample cases was too small for this state.

Gender (% female) 51.2%
Marital Status (15 and older) (%)  
Never married 23.4%
Married 60.2%
Separated, divorced, or widowed 16.4%

Note: The term "U.S. born" refers to people residing in the United States who were U.S. citizens in one of three categories: people born in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia; people born in U.S. Insular Areas such as Puerto Rico or Guam; or people who were born abroad to at least one U.S. citizen parent.

U.S. Born
Number 287,105,385
% Foreign Born  
Population Change over Time  
% change: 2000-2011 14.7%
% change: 1990-2000 9.3%
Race (%)  
One race 88.9%
White 67.4%
Black or African American 12.7%
American Indian and Alaska Native 0.9%
Asian 2.5%
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander 0.2%
Other race 5.2%
Two or more races 11.1%
Latino Origin (of any race)  
Number 43,175,090
% Latino 15.0%
Age Groups (%)  
Under 5 6.3%
5-17 18.0%
18-64 58.4%
65 and older 17.3%
Median Age 36.9
Gender (% female) 50.3%
Marital Status (15 and older) (%)  
Never married 36.5%
Married 45.7%
Separated, divorced, or widowed 17.9%
Foreign Born
Foreign Born
Place of Birth Number
Region of Birth (excluding born at sea)

Note: For 1990, 2000, and current ACS year, the total for the region of birth of the foreign born is different from the total foreign born. This is because the 1990 total excludes those who did not report a country of birth and those born at sea, while the 2000 and the current ACS year totals exclude those born at sea.

Born in Africa 91,262
Born in Asia 514,532
Born in Europe 433,081
Born in Latin America (South America, Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean) 3,651,743
Born in Northern America (Canada, Bermuda, Greenland, and St. Pierre and Miquelon) 118,093
Born in Oceania 8,514
Top 3 Countries of Birth

Note: These are the largest countries of birth reported by the Census Bureau. Some countries are only listed as part of a larger geographic region. For example, those born in Somalia are included only among those born in Eastern Africa. Therefore, a few states may have larger populations of foreign-born persons born in countries not listed individually in census data. For each of the three years, countries of birth reflect geographic boundaries as of that year.

Country #1
Country #2
Country #3
Detailed Region/Country of Birth

Note: These are the largest countries of birth reported by the Census Bureau. Some countries are only listed as part of a larger geographic region. For example, those born in Somalia are included only among those born in Eastern Africa. Therefore, a few states may have larger populations of foreign-born persons born in countries not listed individually in census data. For each of the three years, countries of birth reflect geographic boundaries as of that year.

Europe 433,081
Northern Europe 99,177
United Kingdom
Other Northern Europe
Western Europe 94,678
Other Western Europe
Southern Europe 66,665
Other Southern Europe
Eastern Europe 171,085
Other Eastern Europe
Other Europe (no country specified) 1,476
Asia 514,532
Eastern Asia 90,001

China, excluding Taiwan



Other Eastern Asia
South Central Asia 161,533
Other South Central Asia
Southeastern Asia 188,076
Other Southeastern Asia
Western Asia 69,892
Other Western Asia
Other Asia (no country specified) 5,030
Africa 91,262
Eastern Africa 17,399
Northern Africa 33,230
Western Africa 17,913
Middle and Southern Africa 19,523
Other Africa (no country specified) 3,197
Oceania 8,514
Australia and New Zealand subregion 6,280
Oceania (no country specified) 2,234
Americas 3,769,836
Latin America 3,651,743





Other Caribbean

Central America



El Salvador


Other Central America

South America





Other South America

Northern America 118,093
Other Northern America
Period of Entry into U.S.  
Before 1990 1,235,223
1990-1999 792,872
2000-2009 1,023,737
Since 2010 1,765,441
Region of Birth (excluding born at the sea)* 100%
Born in Africa 1.9%
Born in Asia 10.7%
Born in Europe 9.0%
Born in Latin America (South America, Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean) 75.8%
Born in Northern America (Canada, Bermuda, Greenland, and St. Pierre and Miquelon) 2.5%
Born in Oceania 0.2%
Top 3 Countries of Birth*  
Country #1
Country #2
Country #3
Detailed Region/Country of Birth* 100%
Europe 9.0%
Northern Europe 2.1%
United Kingdom 1.6%
Ireland 0.2%
Other Northern Europe 0.2%
Western Europe 2.0%
France 0.4%
Germany 1.1%
Other Western Europe 0.4%
Southern Europe 1.4%
Italy 0.6%
Portugal 0.2%
Other Southern Europe 0.6%
Eastern Europe 3.6%
Poland 0.5%
Russia 0.6%
Other Eastern Europe 2.5%
Other Europe (no country specified) N
Asia 10.7%
Eastern Asia 1.9%
China 1.3%
China, excluding Taiwan 1.2%
Taiwan 0.2%
Japan 0.2%
Korea 0.4%
Other Eastern Asia N
South Central Asia 3.4%
India 2.1%
Iran 0.3%
Other South Central Asia 1.0%
Southeastern Asia 3.9%
Philippines 2.0%
Vietnam 1.2%
Other Southeastern Asia 0.7%
Western Asia 1.5%
Israel 0.3%
Lebanon 0.2%
Other Western Asia 1.0%
Other Asia (no country specified) 0.1%
Africa 1.9%
Eastern Africa 0.4%
Northern Africa 0.7%
Western Africa 0.4%
Middle and Southern Africa 0.4%
Other Africa (no country specified) 0.1%
Oceania 0.2%
Australia and New Zealand subregion 0.1%
Oceania (no country specified) N
Americas 78.3%
Latin America 75.8%
Caribbean 38.1%
Cuba 20.4%
Jamaica 4.7%
Other Caribbean 13.0%
Central America 14.7%
Mexico 5.2%
El Salvador 1.3%
Other Central America 8.2%
South America 23.0%
Brazil 2.9%
Colombia 6.5%
Other South America 13.5%
Northern America 2.5%
Canada 2.4%
Other Northern America N
Period of Entry into U.S.  
Before 1980 25.6%
1980-1989 16.5%
1990-1999 21.3%
Since 2000 36.6%
Place of Birth Number
Region of Birth (excluding born at sea)

Note: For 1990, 2000, and current ACS year, the total for the region of birth of the foreign born is different from the total foreign born. This is because the 1990 total excludes those who did not report a country of birth and those born at sea, while the 2000 and the current ACS year totals exclude those born at sea.

Born in Africa 2,752,965
Born in Asia 14,349,080
Born in Europe 4,728,948
Born in Latin America (South America, Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean) 23,233,834
Born in Northern America (Canada, Bermuda, Greenland, and St. Pierre and Miquelon) 828,702
Born in Oceania 288,560
Top 3 Countries of Birth

Note: These are the largest countries of birth reported by the Census Bureau. Some countries are only listed as part of a larger geographic region. For example, those born in Somalia are included only among those born in Eastern Africa. Therefore, a few states may have larger populations of foreign-born persons born in countries not listed individually in census data. For each of the three years, countries of birth reflect geographic boundaries as of that year.

Country #1
Country #2
Country #3
Detailed Region/Country of Birth

Note: These are the largest countries of birth reported by the Census Bureau. Some countries are only listed as part of a larger geographic region. For example, those born in Somalia are included only among those born in Eastern Africa. Therefore, a few states may have larger populations of foreign-born persons born in countries not listed individually in census data. For each of the three years, countries of birth reflect geographic boundaries as of that year.

Europe 4,728,948
Northern Europe 901,202
United Kingdom
Other Northern Europe
Western Europe 909,430
Other Western Europe
Southern Europe 702,497
Other Southern Europe
Eastern Europe 2,198,504
Other Eastern Europe
Other Europe (no country specified) 17,315
Asia 14,349,080
Eastern Asia 4,226,498

China, excluding Taiwan



Other Eastern Asia
South Central Asia 4,572,569
Other South Central Asia
Southeastern Asia 4,278,888
Other Southeastern Asia
Western Asia 1,216,159
Other Western Asia
Other Asia (no country specified) 54,966
Africa 2,752,965
Eastern Africa 812,047
Northern Africa 442,197
Western Africa 1,048,272
Middle and Southern Africa 360,015
Other Africa (no country specified) 90,434
Oceania 288,560
Australia and New Zealand subregion 126,236
Oceania (no country specified) 162,324
Americas 24,062,536
Latin America 23,233,834





Other Caribbean

Central America



El Salvador


Other Central America

South America





Other South America

Northern America 828,702
Other Northern America
Period of Entry into U.S.  
Before 1990 12,142,439
1990-1999 8,937,095
2000-2009 10,594,080
Since 2010 14,508,563
Region of Birth (excluding born at the sea)* 100%
Born in Africa 6.0%
Born in Asia 31.1%
Born in Europe 10.2%
Born in Latin America (South America, Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean) 50.3%
Born in Northern America (Canada, Bermuda, Greenland, and St. Pierre and Miquelon) 1.8%
Born in Oceania 0.6%
Top 3 Countries of Birth*  
Country #1
Country #2
Country #3
Detailed Region/Country of Birth* 100%
Europe 10.2%
Northern Europe 2.0%
United Kingdom 1.5%
Ireland 0.2%
Other Northern Europe 0.2%
Western Europe 2.0%
France 0.4%
Germany 1.2%
Other Western Europe 0.4%
Southern Europe 1.5%
Italy 0.6%
Portugal 0.3%
Other Southern Europe 0.5%
Eastern Europe 4.8%
Poland 0.8%
Russia 0.9%
Other Eastern Europe 3.1%
Other Europe (no country specified) N
Asia 31.1%
Eastern Asia 9.2%
China 6.1%
China, excluding Taiwan 5.3%
Taiwan 0.8%
Japan 0.7%
Korea 2.3%
Other Eastern Asia N
South Central Asia 9.9%
India 6.1%
Iran 0.9%
Other South Central Asia 2.9%
Southeastern Asia 9.3%
Philippines 4.3%
Vietnam 2.9%
Other Southeastern Asia 2.1%
Western Asia 2.6%
Israel 0.3%
Lebanon 0.3%
Other Western Asia 2.0%
Other Asia (no country specified) 0.1%
Africa 6.0%
Eastern Africa 1.8%
Northern Africa 1.0%
Western Africa 2.3%
Middle and Southern Africa 0.8%
Other Africa (no country specified) 0.2%
Oceania 0.6%
Australia and New Zealand subregion 0.3%
Oceania (no country specified) 0.4%
Americas 52.1%
Latin America 50.3%
Caribbean 10.0%
Cuba 2.8%
Jamaica 1.7%
Other Caribbean 5.4%
Central America 31.7%
Mexico 23.1%
El Salvador 3.0%
Other Central America 5.5%
South America 8.6%
Brazil 1.3%
Colombia 2.0%
Other South America 5.2%
Northern America 1.8%
Canada 1.8%
Other Northern America N
Period of Entry into U.S.  
Before 1980 26.3%
1980-1989 19.4%
1990-1999 22.9%
Since 2000 31.4%
Foreign Born
Foreign Born
Naturalization Number
Foreign Born by U.S. Citizenship Status 4,817,273
Naturalized citizens 2,792,284
Noncitizens 2,024,989
Naturalized Citizens by Period of Naturalization 2,792,284
Before 1990 517,206
1990-1999 409,450
2000-2009 659,484
2010-2014 418,938
Since 2015 787,206
Foreign Born by U.S. Citizenship Status 100%
Naturalized citizens 58.0%
Noncitizens 42.0%
Naturalized Citizens by Period of Naturalization 100%
Before 1980 18.5%
1980-1989 14.7%
1990-1999 23.6%
2000-2009 15.0%
Since 2010 28.2%
Naturalization Number
Foreign Born by U.S. Citizenship Status 46,182,177
Naturalized citizens 24,509,131
Noncitizens 21,673,046
Naturalized Citizens by Period of Naturalization 24,509,131
Before 1990 4,270,661
1990-1999 4,237,954
2000-2009 6,157,058
2010-2014 3,454,394
Since 2015 6,389,064
Foreign Born by U.S. Citizenship Status 100%
Naturalized citizens 53.1%
Noncitizens 46.9%
Naturalized Citizens by Period of Naturalization 100%
Before 1980 17.4%
1980-1989 17.3%
1990-1999 25.1%
2000-2009 14.1%
Since 2010 26.1%
Fertility Foreign Born
Female Population (ages 15-50) 1,181,591
Women (ages 15-50) who gave birth in the last 12 months 69,472
% married among women who gave birth
% unmarried (never married, divorced, or widowed) among women who gave birth
U.S. Born
Female Population (ages 15-50) 3,641,423
Women (ages 15-50) who gave birth in the last 12 months 168,502
% married among women who gave birth 62.9%
% unmarried (never married, divorced, or widowed) among women who gave birth 37.1%
Fertility Foreign Born
Female Population (ages 15-50) 12,523,106
Women (ages 15-50) who gave birth in the last 12 months 794,834
% married among women who gave birth
% unmarried (never married, divorced, or widowed) among women who gave birth
U.S. Born
Female Population (ages 15-50) 64,926,623
Women (ages 15-50) who gave birth in the last 12 months 3,242,060
% married among women who gave birth 67.0%
% unmarried (never married, divorced, or widowed) among women who gave birth 33.0%
Household and Family Size

Note: Data for Alaska, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming are from the U.S Census Bureau’s pooled 2018-2022 American Community Survey (ACS). Data for the United States overall and for the remaining states are from the 2022 ACS. 2) The letter N indicates that a number could not be provided by the Census Bureau because the number of sample cases was too small for this state.

Foreign Born
Average household size 2.84
Average family size 3.29
U.S. Born
Average household size 2.35
Average family size 2.93
Household and Family Size

Note: Data for Alaska, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming are from the U.S Census Bureau’s pooled 2018-2022 American Community Survey (ACS). Data for the United States overall and for the remaining states are from the 2022 ACS. 2) The letter N indicates that a number could not be provided by the Census Bureau because the number of sample cases was too small for this state.

Foreign Born
Average household size 3.08
Average family size 3.54
U.S. Born
Average household size 2.4
Average family size 3.01
Children under 18 Number
Children with Foreign- and Native-Born Parents

Note: Refers to children between ages 0 and 17 (regardless of their nativity) who reside with at least one parent. This means that the number of children shown here is smaller than the overall number of U.S. children under 18. Since 2013, the U.S. Census Bureau includes children of same-sex married couples in its count of children in families and subfamilies.

Children under age 18 with 4,056,354
Only native parent(s)
One or more foreign-born parents

Child is native


Child is foreign born

Children under age 6 with 1,267,944
Only native parent(s)
One or more foreign-born parents

Child is native


Child is foreign born

Children between ages 6 and 17 with 2,788,410
Only native parent(s)
One or more foreign-born parents

Child is native


Child is foreign born

Children in Low-Income Families

Note: Refers to children between ages 0 and 17 (regardless of their nativity) who reside with at least one parent. This means that the number of children shown here is smaller than the overall number of U.S. children under 18. Since 2013, the U.S. Census Bureau includes children of same-sex married couples in its count of children in families and subfamilies. The term "low-income families" refers to families with annual incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty threshold.

Only native parents 949,527
One or more foreign-born parents 642,254
Children with Foreign- and Native-Born Parents*  
Children under age 18 with 100%
Only native parent(s) 64.7%
One or more foreign-born parents 35.3%
Child is native 28.8%
Child is foreign born 6.5%
Children under age 6 with 100%
Only native parent(s) 66.0%
One or more foreign-born parents 34.0%
Child is native 31.0%
Child is foreign born 3.0%
Children between ages 6 and 17 with 100%
Only native parent(s) 64.2%
One or more foreign-born parents 35.8%
Child is native 27.7%
Child is foreign born 8.1%
Children in Low-Income Families* 100%
Only native parents 59.7%
One or more foreign-born parents 40.3%
Children under 18 Number
Children with Foreign- and Native-Born Parents

Note: Refers to children between ages 0 and 17 (regardless of their nativity) who reside with at least one parent. This means that the number of children shown here is smaller than the overall number of U.S. children under 18. Since 2013, the U.S. Census Bureau includes children of same-sex married couples in its count of children in families and subfamilies.

Children under age 18 with 68,612,775
Only native parent(s)
One or more foreign-born parents

Child is native


Child is foreign born

Children under age 6 with 21,251,038
Only native parent(s)
One or more foreign-born parents

Child is native


Child is foreign born

Children between ages 6 and 17 with 47,361,737
Only native parent(s)
One or more foreign-born parents

Child is native


Child is foreign born

Children in Low-Income Families

Note: Refers to children between ages 0 and 17 (regardless of their nativity) who reside with at least one parent. This means that the number of children shown here is smaller than the overall number of U.S. children under 18. Since 2013, the U.S. Census Bureau includes children of same-sex married couples in its count of children in families and subfamilies. The term "low-income families" refers to families with annual incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty threshold.

Only native parents 17,010,861
One or more foreign-born parents 7,444,521
Children with Foreign- and Native-Born Parents*  
Children under age 18 with 100%
Only native parent(s) 74.3%
One or more foreign-born parents 25.7%
Child is native 22.4%
Child is foreign born 3.3%
Children under age 6 with 100%
Only native parent(s) 75.7%
One or more foreign-born parents 24.3%
Child is native 22.7%
Child is foreign born 1.6%
Children between ages 6 and 17 with 100%
Only native parent(s) 73.6%
One or more foreign-born parents 26.4%
Child is native 22.3%
Child is foreign born 4.1%
Children in Low-Income Families* 100%
Only native parents 69.6%
One or more foreign-born parents 30.4%

Sources: Migration Policy Institute tabulations of the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) and Decennial Census. Unless stated otherwise, 2022 data are from the one-year ACS file. For information about ACS definitions, click here. For ACS methodology, sampling error, and nonsampling error, click here. Estimates from 1990 and 2000 Decennial Census data as well as ACS microdata are from Steven Ruggles, Sarah Flood, Matthew Sobek, Daniel Backman, Annie Chen, Grace Cooper, Stephanie Richards, Renae Rogers, and Megan Schouweiler. IPUMS USA: Version 14.0 [dataset]. Minneapolis, MN: IPUMS, 2023. https://doi.org/10.18128/D010.V14.0​.


  • The term "foreign born" refers to people residing in the United States at the time of the population survey who were not U.S. citizens at birth. The foreign-born population includes naturalized U.S. citizens, lawful permanent immigrants (or green-card holders), refugees and asylees, certain legal nonimmigrants (including those on student, work, or some other temporary visas), and persons residing in the country without authorization.
  • The term "U.S. born" refers to people residing in the United States who were U.S. citizens in one of three categories: people born in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia; people born in U.S. Insular Areas such as Puerto Rico or Guam; or people who were born abroad to at least one U.S. citizen parent.
  • The term "low-income families" refers to families with annual incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty threshold.

Data-related notes

  • The letter N indicates that an estimate could not be provided by the Census Bureau because the number of sample cases was too small for this state.
  • Race and Hispanic origin: In preparation for the 2020 Decennial Census, the Census Bureau has made some improvements and changes in how the respondents were asked about their race and Hispanic origin on the 2020 decennial Census form. The goal was to achieve a more accurate portrait of how U.S. residents self-identify. The same changes in the questionnaire design were implemented in the subsequent ACS as well. Note that the racial composition of the U.S. population in the current ACS looks different from pre-2020 data. For instance, the proportion of people who reported “two or more races” has increased, while the proportion of “white alone” decreased, reflecting both the growth of a more racially diverse population and the changes in the questionnaire design. Race and Hispanic origin comparisons between the current ACS and pre-2020 data should be made with caution, taking into account the changes in the questionnaire design. For more details, visit the Census Bureau’s Resource Library.
  • For “Median Age” and “Household Size”: Data for Alaska, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming are from the U.S. Census Bureau's pooled 2018-2022 American Community Survey (ACS). Data for the United States overall and for the remaining states are from the 2022 ACS.
  • Region of birth: For 1990, 2000, and current ACS year, the total for the region of birth of the foreign born is different from the total foreign born. This is because the 1990 total excludes those who did not report a country of birth and those born at sea, while the 2000 census and the current ACS year totals exclude those born at sea.
  • Countries of birth: These are the largest countries of birth reported by the Census Bureau. Some countries are only listed as part of a larger geographic region. For example, those born in Somalia are included only among those born in Eastern Africa. Therefore, a few states may have larger populations of foreign-born persons born in countries not listed individually in census data. For each of the three years, countries of birth reflect geographic boundaries as of that year.
  • Children: The data here include children between ages 0 and 17 (regardless of their nativity) who reside with at least one parent. This means that the number of children shown here is smaller than the overall number of U.S. children under 18. Since 2013, the U.S. Census Bureau has included children of same-sex married couples in its count of children in families and subfamilies.